Confessions of a Boudoir Photographer…

If you follow me on social media, I’ve recently shared this story on my IG boudoir page (indeliblyhaute). In my work, I repeatedly have this convo:


‘I need to lose some weight before my shoot’

‘You’ll need to photoshop me’


Do what makes you feel confident, healthy, strong, and most comfortable in your skin. Just know that losing weight isn’t required or necessary. I heavily rely on posing, lighting, and wardrobe styling so that I won’t need to photoshop you.

When I edit images, it is my practice to adjust lighting, contrast, hue, etc but not morph bodies. No woman should have to feel that she needs to be a certain size or be photoshopped to feel beautiful, confident, sexy, desirable, or just even comfortable in her skin.

If you cannot see or appreciate your beauty now, it will be just as difficult to recognize it at any age, weight, or size.


Recognizing the Signs Your Body is Telling You


There is a Fountain of Youth…