Buon giorno, mi chiamo Christel e vado in Italia

In my teens and early 20’s I traveled extensively…naively believing that I would maintain this lifestyle throughout marriage and motherhood. Well, Marriage, Motherhood, and a Career sidelined this lifestyle for a couple of decades. I had put myself on the back burner as there were other things more pressing. My husband's and children’s dreams became mine. And I happily reveled in it because that’s what parenthood is…and I didn’t want to miss a single moment of it.

I didn’t realize how much I missed traveling until the opportunity landed in my lap. Even stranger was that it felt…so selfish. indulgent. daunting. I can’t even tell you how many reasons I spewed out about why I shouldn’t go.

  • I have so much to do.

  • I can’t possibly take that much time away from (family, work, etc). Things will fall apart without me.

  • I shouldn’t spend that much money on just me.

  • I wouldn’t know what to do.

  • I’ll go next year when things slow down.

  • I don’t have anyone to go with.

  • Who will take care of xxx while I’m gone.

  • It’s too late…I’m too old to travel.

  • I’ve been there before…I don’t have to go again.

The truth is…there isn’t a more deserving or opportune time for us. We’ve worked hard! We’re (for the most part) healthy, we’re at the height of our careers or have seniority, and honestly, our spouses, loved ones, and work can survive a week or two without us. It’s us that traps us in that mindset that they can’t.

You deserve to live out one of your biggest dreams, to do something for yourself, but more importantly to remember who you are.


Value and Guilt

